Pre K fun.

Our finished new playground equipment!

New playground equipment going in.

A few pictures of our new freezer/cooler and pantry space! Stop by on Thursday during the open house and take a look at some of our updates!

The new gym is OFF LIMITS for the next week while the floor finishes curing. A few sneak peak pictures of the gym!

New information regarding sports physicals!

The academic calendar is newly uploaded on the tabs below the gallery pictures. Please check them out!

Congratulations Class of 2024!

Congrats to our graduating senior and Teaching Assistant, Jaeleigh! The 2nd grade class is going to miss you so much! 🎓

A few high schoolers and the 4th, 5th and 6th graders went to the park to plant some trees today!

Our Redhawk Kindergarteners Graduated today!!! They are ready for 1st grade in the fall!!!

On May 8th, the 7-12 grades attended their Academic Awards. After receiving awards we all had dilly bars from Dairy Queen.

Early Childhood Program Screening.

The 2nd graders learned about Native American history from the Pacific Region and made Totem Poles based on their traits. They had so much fun learning about the history of Totem Poles and making Totem Poles that represented themselves!

The 6th grade has been doing crime scene analysis. Sally the teddy bear was murdered. today Mrs. Stangeland was arrest as the main suspect.

Congratulations to the 7-12 band and choir for both receiving superior ratings at District Music Festival. Also, congratulations to Trent Williams, Cian Logan, Macie Elvsaas, and Luba Ivanova for receiving superior ratings and advancing to State Music Festival in Billings!

Spring Concert

A few pictures from the spring concert last night!

The Spring Concert is tonight! See you at 6:30pm in the gym!

Prom Information: Corsages and boutonnieres can be picked up in the lunchroom between 10 am and noon on Saturday. Pictures begin at 7 pm and Grand March is at 8:30. The dance starts at 9!